Monday, January 28, 2013

Starting Fresh with 101!

I haven't used this blog in a long time, and things have happened. But to be honest, that's not what this is about anymore. I'm not going to sit down and write about what happened after my last post, or even why I posted it. I'm getting back to what my blog was meant to be about, and that's MAKING SHIT HAPPEN, yo!

Today, I finished my new 101 things in a 1001 days list, which is what it sounds like; you do 101 things from a list within 1001 days. Last year, I was 35% successful, which isn't bad for the first time. This time, I'm looking for 75%. My goals are more do-able this year, and I think equally fun.

So now, I shall use this blog to complete on of my 101 things! Number 97, blog about each 101 thing. One thing down! See? I set up my list this way on purpose. It's sort of cheating, maybe, but it's also kind of fun to see how many items on the list you can complete in one go.

Today will be a big push. I'm going to try to start a few items.
     5) Send a letter
   13) Write a letter to myself to be opened after the 1001 days
   25) Document my music tastes over a year
   27) Listen to a new artist everyday for a month
   31) Send homemade art to a friend
  46) Journal regularly
  61) Start a food journal
  67) Save $10 for every task I complete
  94) Send a message in a bottle
  97) Blog about each 101 thing (previously mentioned)
  98) Complete the 5000 Question Survey

Now that sounds like a lot, and it probably is, but, some I've already started and some art inter-linked. Let me explain.

Numbers 25, 27, 46, and 61 will all be part of the same journal. I'm going to keep a journal that includes my food journal, song of the day, and for the first month, it must be bands/artists that are new to me. Easy enough? Maybe.

I'm going to be completing numbers 5 and 13 together, but I'm also writing a letter to a friend that I'll be putting in a bottle as a joke, so that also gets number 94 done. I plan to make the bottle into number 31, if not including another piece of art (I owe someone a Christmas gift).

I'm going to start that 5000 questions today, and keep a tally of my debt to myself here too. I have no cash handy at the moment, so I'll start 67 soon, but keep tabs today.

I also intend to document the lovelier and more visual items for this blog. Don't worry; bad art included.

That's it for now. I'll update tomorrow with my progress!

I'm excited!

Yours truly,


  1. So, you actually still write letters? I thought I was the only person left. I love writing and sending "real" letters, it's like getting a present.

    1. Honestly, I don't, which is why it made the list. I think letters are beautiful things, precious gifts, that show someone how much you care for them. I want to make sure I send someone special a reminder of how important they are to me.
