Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 40: Task by Task

Here's the update you've all been waiting for!

Or maybe not.


I completed task 42: Read a book in one day. I read Immortal Ever After by Lynsay Sands. It's a series that I have been reading for quite some time, and the most recent book was released this week. Admittedly, it isn't quality reading, but who cares? A girl needs a vampire romance novel ever now and then, and anything is better than Twilight.

In further news, I am upset with the Sketchbook Project. They changed their travel patterns so each book only visits about 3 cities now, and you choose your destinations from a previously created set. I want my book to travel the world, not a region. I can travel a region with my own damn book! Oh, and there are no themes! NO THEMES! What's the damn point? Anyways, I'm still going to do the damn project, I'll just be damn cranky about it.

That is all. Until the next task.

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